

A History of feminist activism at Miami University, Oxford Campus.

An anarchist look at the struggle for womens liberation and particular aspects of that struggle.

Feminist Lit. Crit. page.

Applications of feminism to the novel:

Feminism has many different aspects—Male Domination, Female Domination, Women Taking a Stand, and The Sisterhood. Each aspect has many examples in Wuthering Heights.

Type: Men, the Dominate Sex

Joseph, a servant in young Catherine’s home, yells at her. He is below her, yet feels that because he is a man, she is below him. (12)


Although Joseph was below Cathy and it was her home, he feels that because he is a man he is above her.

Heathcliff yells at Cathy and calls her “useless” and “raises his hand” at her. He feels that a man is the more powerful sex and that he can boss her around. (26)


Heathcliff likes to throw his power around and raises his had at a weaker being just because he knows she will cower.

Type: Women Taking a Stand

Isabella, Heathcliff’s wife, stands up to Joseph, a man, and throws her dinner tray at him. (132)


This shows the strength of a normally mild woman, standing up for herself against a man—another strong quality of feminism.

Isabella leaves Heathcliff and has their child on her own and will not let him see the baby. (167)


This, again, shows how a woman is able to be strong and go out on her own when that was not the accepted thing to do.

Young Catherine fights Heathcliff, trying to get out of his house while she is being held prisoner.(247)


She is just a child standing up to a very strong man—once again shows the strength of a woman trying to stand up for herself.

Type: Woman, The Dominate Sex

Nelly tells Edgar that Cathy will be able to “control” Linton if they get married because he is “delicate.”(235)


Feminism is all about the woman being in control, especially in a marriage. Strong feminists want the roles reversed where the woman heads the house and the man is in submission.

Cathy takes care of Linton when he is dying and no one will send for the doctor. (267-268)


This shows how she is able to overcome her harsh circumstances and be in control of a awful situation.

Cathy is able to control Hareton with her emotions—she can get whatever she wants from him if she cries or whines or flirts with him. (274 and 288)


Again, wanting control of every situation defines feminism.

Type: The Sisterhood

Hindley’s wife and Cathy strike up a friendship and find “a sister” in each other. (40)


The formation of a sisterhood is a strong quality of feminism. If women unite, together they can overcome the oppression they have suffered from men.